Back to Primary Industries, Horticulture & Environment


  • Alanvale

Attendance options

  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Study type

  • Mixed Learning

Tuition Fees

  • Subsidised $ 12,920.00
  • Commercial $ 21,060.00

Additional fees may apply. For more information, see Fees, payments and other costs.

Please note: The course overview is intended as a guide only. Not all courses are available at all locations or through all study types and attendance options. Please check Locations, Dates and Times below or enquire for further information.

Acquire the specialist landscape design skills and knowledge you need to work in landscape planning and garden design.

If you have a passion for working outdoors and love problem-solving, planning and creating beautiful outdoor spaces for people to use and enjoy… then this is the course for you!

In this specialised landscape design course you’ll learn how to prepare and design sustainable landscape and how to design for the construction of landscape features, as well as planning and specifying plants for different landscapes and plant displays.

You’ll also learn to assess landscape sites and survey and establish site levels, implement design solutions and establish, negotiate and redefine a design brief, as well as produce computer-aided drawings and provide specialist advice to clients.

Successful completion of this nationally recognised course will qualify you to work as a Landscape Designer in a variety of commercial and residential contexts anywhere across Australia.

Information sessions

AlanvaleMonday, 28th Oct 2024G Block, Room G.1.17, 54a Alanvale Road, Newnham

Locations, dates & times

CampusDateAttendance/DurationStudy type
Alanvale6 Feb 2024 -
4 Feb 2026

You can join our course at any time provided you have horticultural experience and access to suitable landscape sites. You are required to attend workshops once a month and also need a Windows computer for the CAD/landscape design units.

Mixed LearningApply now

Career opportunities

  • Landscape Designer
  • Parks and Gardens Manager

Career opportunities

  • Landscape Designer
  • Parks and Gardens Manager

We’re here to help…

At TasTAFE, we understand that everyone's journey is different and sometimes you might need some extra support to achieve your study or career goals.

Whether you are at the very start of your training, returning to study after a long break, or looking to upskill in a specific area, we're here to help you to be successful in your chosen field of study, apprenticeship or traineeship.

Our student support services are available for all students, and aim to provide the support you need to make your learning experience just that little bit easier.

Find out more about what support is available