Back to Early Childhood, Education & Foundation Skills


  • Alanvale
  • Devonport
  • Campbell Street
  • Clarence

Attendance options

  • Short course

Study type

  • Mixed Learning

Tuition Fees

Additional fees may apply. For more information, see Fees, payments and other costs.

Please note: The course overview is intended as a guide only. Not all courses are available at all locations or through all study types and attendance options. Please check Locations, Dates and Times below or enquire for further information.

Are you thinking about studying at TasTAFE but feeling unprepared? This short course will teach you some of the foundation skills you need to be a successful learner at TasTAFE.

Ready for Study is a free introduction to studying at TasTAFE. It is ideal for those who are thinking about studying at TasTAFE and who would like to build their skills and confidence before they start other courses. Ready for Study has been designed to support learners who may have been out of study for some time or are uneasy about their skills for starting at TasTAFE and covers both on-campus and online learning.

The program includes training in using computers and Microsoft 365. You will learn how to use Canvas, the learning program used at TasTAFE, and videoconferencing basics for both Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

In addition to these technology skills, you will learn or brush up on general study skills, such as time management, how to understand and prepare for assessments, basic reading and writing strategies for study and how to maintain a positive mindset.

Ready for Study will guide you through the TasTAFE application and enrolment process, including reviewing course information, entry requirements, and desirable skills and attributes for various courses. You will also be able to do a literacy and numeracy review to see where your current skills are and what you should work on to meet your learning goals. The training is tailored to individual circumstances whenever possible, so you will focus on what is relevant to your own course choices and vocational pathway.

Ready for Study will help you decide the learning pathway for your goals and develop the skills to engage with confidence in your chosen course.

Locations, dates & times

CampusDateAttendance/DurationStudy typeApply/Enquire
Alanvale14 Oct 2024 -
6 Dec 2024
Short course

Monday and Wednesday, 9am - 1pm + 3 hours per week online study.

Mixed LearningApply now
Campbell Street14 Oct 2024 -
6 Dec 2024
Short course

Monday and Wednesday, 9am - 1pm + 3 hours per week online study.

Mixed LearningApply now
North West
Devonport14 Oct 2024 -
6 Dec 2024
Short course

Monday and Wednesday, 9am - 1pm + 3 hours per week online study.

Mixed LearningApply now

We’re here to help…

At TasTAFE, we understand that everyone's journey is different and sometimes you might need some extra support to achieve your study or career goals.

Whether you are at the very start of your training, returning to study after a long break, or looking to upskill in a specific area, we're here to help you to be successful in your chosen field of study, apprenticeship or traineeship.

Our student support services are available for all students, and aim to provide the support you need to make your learning experience just that little bit easier.

Find out more about what support is available