Persistence for Cyrus pays off

Published on: 06 Feb 2023

Automotive workshop with cars on  jacks and spray paint booths in the background

It is often said good things come to those who wait and this is certainly true for 18-year-old Cyrus Kay.

Cyrus has recently completed a Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation at TasTAFE and Year 12 at Circular Head Christian School under a Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools shared enrolment.

Having always been interested in cars and machinery, the TasTAFE course was a natural fit with Cyrus’s TCE education, as it allowed him to develop skills in the heavy machinery industry.

“I am happy I completed my certificate – if you really want to do it, you will put in the time and effort into study,” Cyrus said.

Cyrus was due to begin a school-based apprenticeship in Year 11, but his employer at the time became unwell and was unable to provide an apprenticeship.

“After that I applied for apprenticeships at lots of places but people with more experience got the jobs,” Cyrus said.

When Cyrus began Year 12, he decided in order to gain experience and a competitive edge when applying for apprenticeships, he would complete a qualification with TasTAFE.

Cyrus described his TasTAFE automotive teachers, Steve Revell and Glen Hausmann, as some of the best teachers he has ever had.

“They were really knowledgeable and you could talk to them like a mate,” he said.

As the end of the school year approached, Cyrus again began applying for heavy machinery apprenticeships for 2023.

“My qualification gave me relevant skills and made me a high-calibre applicant,” Cyrus said.

It was second time lucky for Cyrus as he was successful in getting a position as a trades assistant for Hazell Bros at its Massy-Greene Drive workshop in Burnie, which may lead to an apprenticeship in 2024.

Cyrus is keen to learn more about diagnostics, work with battery technology and would like to get a heavy vehicle licence in the future.

He also encourages anyone with an interest in cars or machinery to consider completing a Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation.

“You do not have to be born into a family of mechanics to get into it, I have no relatives that have done it before, you just need to go for it.”

TasTAFE offers a range of courses that can be completed through a VET in Schools pathway. To find out how TasTAFE can assist in training your students contact TasTAFE’s VET in Schools Coordinator, Jodie McNab, on 6777 2698 or email

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