TasTAFE partners with Our Watch to prevent violence against women

Published on: 25 Jun 2024

TasTAFE CEO Grant Dreher and MOU representative signing documents at a table

TasTAFE has become the first educational organisation in Tasmania to partner with Our Watch, a national leader in violence prevention.

On 20 June the two organisations signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to help eliminate violence against women and children and promote a culture of equality.

This will be done through a four-step process which includes:

  • signing the MOU and establishing a Respect and Equality Working Group
  • completing a Respect and Equality self-assessment process
  • developing a Gender Equality Action Plan; and
  • implementing and monitoring the Action Plan.

The partnership will also include the exchange of best practices and research findings, resource sharing and staff training.

TasTAFE CEO, Grant Dreher, said TasTAFE was committed to providing a safe, fair and equal environment for its learners and staff.

“Preventing violence against women is a community-wide responsibility and we want TasTAFE to be part of the solution in delivering change.

“Our partnership with Our Watch will enable the exchange of best practice and research in gender equality and violence prevention as we develop a Respect and Equality Strategy for TasTAFE. It will also equip our staff with skills and knowledge in this area.

“We’re proud to partner with Our Watch to raise awareness, promote respectful behaviours and foster gender equality.

“Through increasing awareness and understanding of gender-based violence and discrimination, we hope to create a more inclusive and equitable culture for everyone at TasTAFE and in the wider community,” Grant Dreher said.

Our Watch CEO, Patty Kinnersly, welcomed the new partnership and commitment from the institute.

“Violence against women is underpinned by cultures of gender inequality, sexism and disrespect being prevalent and normalised across our communities – including within our education systems.

“This violence is preventable, and TAFEs and universities can be part of the change by challenging gender stereotypes, such as encouraging more women to take trade roles and more men to take caring roles – and by ensuring educational workplaces are safe and equal for all genders.

“This partnership is a positive step towards making change and we look forward to supporting TasTAFE to play their part in prevention,” Ms Kinnersly said.

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